Light the Way

The dangers of the night are exacerbated by the threat of what we cannot see. Neon signs and street lamps help keep the city and walkways alive, but this does little to alleviate the concerns of the uninviting, linear path of underpasses. In a society that stresses the danger of roaming around at night, keeping areas like underpasses well lit is essential to the city for a multitude of reasons. Primarily addressing public safety, underpass lighting also helps the functionality and accessibility within urban areas, and at worst it will be a good addition to the quality of life of residents.

Underpass tunnels are dim, foreboding tubes that scream danger to both drivers and pedestrians. Making sure these daunting areas are well lit is a massive enhancement to public safety. As well as deterring crime, lit underpasses reduce the likelihood of car accidents by making these areas significantly more visible, better highlighting any potential hazards. Beyond safety measures, lit underpasses can be crucial in improving connectivity within the city. Often acting as shortcuts, underpasses can make a lengthy drive much shorter if more people knew about them and trusted them. Proper lighting ensures these areas are functional and inviting to all, especially in the darker hours of the day. The increased accessibility promotes greater usage of public spaces on either side of the underpass, contributing to a more vibrant and integrated community. 

Well lit underpasses can also enhance the aesthetic appeal of urban areas. Beyond the ability to see any architectural marvels, lit underpasses can act as cultural centers for residents, allowing a place to feature city sanctioned art work that captures the essence of the area, positively transforming a drab drive into one that can teach or at least interest those that drive or walk through it. This can do wonders for community unity, and can make residents proud to be from the city, promoting a place that not only inspires connectivity in the infrastructure but also amongst the citizens as well.

The benefits of lit underpasses can not be underlined enough, and for an evolving city such as Charlotte, North Carolina, the importance only grows. An important business center for the South, it is important that essential infrastructure like underpasses are well maintained and promote a welcoming living environment, and that is why the City of Charlotte is seeking contractors to inspect, repair, and maintain underpass lighting at project locations as well as evaluate and install new lights at given locations as directed by the City. If interested in this opportunity, click here for more information. The bid closes September 24, 2024 at 3:00 PM EDT.